Conflict Avoidance

Current Events and Policy Involving North Korea – 1 August 2017 And for some perspective from the Congressuonal Research Service (CRS): and CRS reports And

The Diplomat – China’s Maritime Operation: The ‘Gray Zone’ in Black and White – 18 May 2017

Image Credit: China Defense Blog There is no problem in the “gray zone” because the “gray zone” does not exist. By Ben Lowsen May 18, 2017 “Much has been made lately of China’s maritime operations in the “gray zone,” referring to operations achieving military objectives like island seizure while…

CERL – Journalistic Ethics and the National Security State: Transparency and the Rule of Law in Democratic Societies – 9-11 November 2017!event_id/54742/view/event Democratic governance depends on an engaged and educated public, to which transparency and access to accurate information are essential. At the same time, effective national security has always relied on secrecy and the ability control sensitive information. Journalists and the public at large all understand that there is a…

SEALS – WORKSHOP ON INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW – 05 August 2017- Crises of Nonintervention: The Gordian Knot of PRK and the Gushing Wound of Syria Crises of Nonintervention: The Gordian Knot of PRK and the Gushing Wound of Syria, 1:00-2:45 pm Moderator: Professor Hannibal Travis, Florida International University College of Law Speakers: Professor Margaret deGuzman, Temple University, James E. Beasley School of Law; Professor Kevin Govern, Ave Maria School of Law; Professor Mark David Maxwell, University of North Carolina…