
Simons Center Interagency Journal – “Out of Sync” – U.S. Africa Command and Recent Interagency Challenges – Summer 2016

http://thesimonscenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/IAJ-7-2-Summer2016-34-43.pdf The most recent edition of the Simons Center Interagency Journal examines US Africa Command’s innovative interagency structure. It highlights some recent challenges, particularly between DoD and State coordination in regional policy and security cooperation. The authors conclude that despite these challenges AFRICOM is equipped to counter these challenges by…

MWI – A Civil War Vignette that Explains Modern Civ-Mil Relations – 22 August 2016

http://www.mwi.usma.edu/fidelity-frankness-collide-portrait-grant/ This essay from MAJ Dan Maurer is a shortened version of a chapter appearing in the author’s forthcoming book on American strategic civil-military relationships, tentatively titled A Necessary Measure. Relevant to MAJ Maurer’s study, after the Mexican War, General Winfield Scott’s occupation was such a model of excellence that Ulysses S….

CNN – Newly released US drone policy explains how targets can be chosen – 7 August 2016

“The Obama administration has released a previously [top] secret 18-page policy guidance document that lays out how potential drone targets may be chosen and approved and the President’s role in the decision-making process.” Read the full story: http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/06/politics/obama-administration-drone-policy/ For the actual, declassified document, see: https://www.justice.gov/oip/foia-library/procedures_for_approving_direct_action_against_terrorist_targets/download For a related policy, see:…

The Intercept – Leaked Data Reveals How the U.S. Trains Vast Numbers of Foreign Soldiers and Police With Little Oversight – 13 July 2016

https://theintercept.com/2016/07/13/training/ And see, e.g., Weapons Given to Iraq Are Missing By Glenn Kessler Washington Post Staff Writer Monday, August 6, 2007 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/05/AR2007080501299.html And see: Stabilizing Iraq: DOD Cannot Ensure That U.S.-Funded Equipment Has Reached Iraqi Security Forces GAO-07-711, Published: Jul 31, 2007. Publicly Released: Jul 31, 2007. http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-07-711 But see:…

MWI – To Study Modern War There is No Substitute For Going – 27 July 2016

http://warontherocks.com/2016/07/to-study-modern-war-there-is-no-substitute-for-going/ Our Nation’s future leaders are fortunate indeed to have seasoned, sage leader-mentors at West Point, especially the Modern War Institute! Generations of commissioned officers have done what is known as the “staff ride” with the goal of studying and learning from war. First Printed in 1987, most recently reprinted…

Colonel tapped to become West Point’s first female dean

  http://www.armytimes.com/story/military/2016/04/29/colonel-tapped-become-west-points-first-female-dean/83715042/ A department head at the U.S. Military Academy could become the first female dean in the school’s 200-plus-year history, if the Senate endorses her selection. Col. Cindy Jebb has been tapped by President Obama to succeed Brig. Gen. Tim Trainor in the post, the school announced Friday. Jebb, a member…