Holocaust Remembrance Day – Memory of Justice – 24 APR 2017

https://www.ushmm.org/remember/days-of-remembrance/remembrance-day-calendar Dear Friends: As millions have observed Pesach and Easter around the world, freedom from societal and personal enslavement, and renewal of hope and spirituality, we have a multi-faith, multi cultural event and a remembrance captured on film worth noting. The 1976 documentary “The Memory of Justice” is newly restored…

Just Security – What Do Top Legal Experts Say About the Syria Strikes? – 7 April 2017

https://www.justsecurity.org/39712/top-legal-experts-syria-strikes/ “[Just Security] asked several of the very top legal minds about their views concerning Thursday night’s airstrikes by the United States in response to the Syrian government’s reported use of chemical weapons.  [They] have provided their verbatim responses … and will be adding more.” and for a brief video (albeit…


http://mwi.usma.edu/russian-ukrainian-war-understanding-dust-clouds-battlefield/ Amos C. Fox | January 17, 2017 | Commentary & Analysis “Russian aggression in Ukraine has been interpreted as the harbinger of a new era of warfare, one in which cyber threats, hybrid tactics, and gray-zone operations are ascendant. But there are lessons to be learned in the conventional…

Lawfare – Terrorists, Insurgents, Something Else? Clarifying and Classifying the “Generational Challenge” – 15 January 2017

https://www.lawfareblog.com/terrorists-insurgents-something-else-clarifying-and-classifying-generational-challenge “Our hope is that our taxonomy of VNSAs (Violent Non State Actors) can help analysts and scholars to better conceptualize the range of VNSA types and the relationships among them. They are too often lumped together as “terrorist” groups, but as this spectrum makes clear, doing so oversimplifies the…

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NYT – North Africa’s Next War – 16 January 2017

“With North Africa still stunned by the destabilizations of the Arab Spring, and conflicts in Mali and Libya continuing, there is no appetite in neighboring countries for a new outbreak of war over Western Sahara. Nevertheless, over the past year I have heard Algerian officials and both Western and African…

GRIZZLY STEPPE – Russian Malicious Cyber Activity (and assessments and responses)

I https://www.us-cert.gov/sites/default/files/publications/JAR_16-20296.pdf “Today, I have ordered a number of actions in response to the Russian government’s aggressive harassment of U.S. officials and cyber operations aimed at the U.S. election. These actions follow repeated private and public warnings that we have issued to the Russian government, and are a necessary and appropriate…

Guardian – Investigation into alleged abuses by British troops in Iraq could end after lawyer admits professional misconduct – 8 December 2016

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/12/08/investigation-alleged-abuses-british-troops-iraq-could-end-lawyer/ The Guardian reports that “[a]controversial investigation into alleged abuses by British troops in Iraq faces being wound up after the lawyer who brought the vast majority of the cases admitted 18 professional misconduct charges.” “Phil Shiner was tonight called on to apologise to British troops whose lives have been…

CNN – War in Space: The Next Battlefield – 29 November 2016

“CNN’s Jim Scuitto takes you inside the most classified US operations centers to discover the devastating impact of the space war.” CNN Special Report: War in Space: The Next Battlefield” aired on November 29 at 9 P.M. ET/PT. Source: CNN See: https://youtu.be/j-ZBLFhb_lg and see: http://www.mpil.de/files/pdf3/04_schmittii1.pdf http://www.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/pubs/Law-of-War-Manual-June-2015.pdf https://poseidon01.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=469027001114070021104116071070124018103005090054068023064126004110067084100071066124042114059014058028043065112118111080070065050058063013093099103026125112015001052093081001007089100111015126095104073003095025020098003102000019103087024086090023097&EXT=pdf http://harvardnsj.org/2012/11/targeting-in-outer-space-legal-aspects-of-operational-military-actions-in-space/ http://warontherocks.com/2016/08/space-warfare-deterrence-dissuasion-and-the-law-of-armed-conflict/ http://www.unoosa.org/oosa/ourwork/spacelaw/…

Recent Publications and Conference – Preserving Art and Culture in Times of War – April 4-6, 2017

https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/52835/view/event http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php-URL_ID=13637&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/applic/ihl/ihl.nsf/INTRO/400 and see: http://www.apollo-magazine.com/is-the-destruction-of-cultural-property-a-war-crime/ In March 2001, six months before the attacks of 9/11, the Taliban provoked international outrage when it destroyed two Ancient statues of the Buddha carved into a hillside in the Bamiyan valley in Afghanistan. Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Taliban’s leader at time, considered the…