Upcoming Publications

Simons Center Interagency Journal – “Out of Sync” – U.S. Africa Command and Recent Interagency Challenges – Summer 2016

http://thesimonscenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/IAJ-7-2-Summer2016-34-43.pdf The most recent edition of the Simons Center Interagency Journal examines US Africa Command’s innovative interagency structure. It highlights some recent challenges, particularly between DoD and State coordination in regional policy and security cooperation. The authors conclude that despite these challenges AFRICOM is equipped to counter these challenges by…

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CNN – Newly released US drone policy explains how targets can be chosen – 7 August 2016

“The Obama administration has released a previously [top] secret 18-page policy guidance document that lays out how potential drone targets may be chosen and approved and the President’s role in the decision-making process.” Read the full story: http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/06/politics/obama-administration-drone-policy/ For the actual, declassified document, see: https://www.justice.gov/oip/foia-library/procedures_for_approving_direct_action_against_terrorist_targets/download For a related policy, see:…

Pentagon invites hackers in and backs encryption

http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-35706988 Pentagon invites hackers in and backs encryption The Pentagon has invited external experts to hack into its systems in the first such test of its cybersecurity measures. The method is often used by private companies that want to use the expertise of “friendly” hackers to find holes in their…

Forthcoming Soon (December 2015): U.S. Military Operations Law, Policy, and Practice

U.S. Military Operations Law, Policy, and Practice $150.00 Geoffrey S. Corn, Rachel E. VanLandingham, Shane R. Reeves… 9780199328574 Hardcover 01 December 2015 U.S. Military Operations Law, Policy, and Practice $69.95 Geoffrey S. Corn, Rachel E. VanLandingham, Shane R. Reeves… 9780190456634 Paperback 01 December 2015 https://global.oup.com/academic/search?q=VanLandingham&cc=us&lang=en

Cyber War Law and Ethics for Virtual Conflicts

Cyber War Law and Ethics for Virtual Conflicts $185.00 Jens David Ohlin, Kevin Govern, and Claire Finkelstein 9780198717492 Hardcover 19 May 2015 Cyber War Law and Ethics for Virtual Conflicts $49.95 Jens David Ohlin, Kevin Govern, and Claire Finkelstein 9780198717508 Paperback 19 May 2015  https://global.oup.com/academic/category/law/international-law/public-international-law/international-humanitarian-law/?cc=us&lang=en& Explores the controversial legal and…